Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Today, was just a typical day at work. I was kept busy the entire time. I was asked if I wanted to go on a trip for work that would last 30-60 days.

I really wanted the money. This was an answer to prayer, or so I thought. I didn't go. There were many factors involved to get that answer.

#1 I need to get ready for YWAM that will be here before I know it.
#2 God said I was to rely fully on Him. I could hear His voice urging me to stay.
#3 that would have given me very little time to spend with my family.

This made me realize. I need to always be ready for whatever God is calling me too. Not slowly ready, not kinda. I've been doing that. I don't even know what YWAM school I'm going too and its in two months.

What are you procrastinating, as soon as you do it you will have accomplished something major?

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