Sunday, August 5, 2012
Exercise Shows How To Get Health Fitness
Health Fitness Tips That Help You Stay in Shape
"Health Fitness Equipment" Doesn't Really Focus On Health, Does It?
Monday, July 16, 2012
I'm doing a no spend week starting today, I've already planned all my meals, purchased the groceries and done some minor prep.
I spent a lot of money in preparation, but my costs should go down since a lot of these items won't need to be purchased. Let's see how I do.
Follow me on twitter to see my tweets using #nospendweek.
Wanna join? I'd love to
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
I hate pride. I'm not a fan of it, but it grabs on to me like a leech, slowly sucking the life out of me. Not really, but I am a completely different person when I'm battleing with pride.
I was suppose to start my juice fast today, but pride got in the way. I haven't spoke to my co-worker, because pride is in the way. It's my feeling of needing to be mad for the sake of being wronged, whether that person knows or not.
Pride... Is something I need to give to God, but that would mean admitting I'm in the wrong. I don't want to be in the wrong.
Wow, long tangent/rant....
Do you struggle with pride?
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Living upside down
I feel a little bit of relief at the end of the tunnel.
I've been running around, being busy.
Im glad I don't work tomorrow. I need a break. I also need some me time. Wishful thinking. I also need to forgive some people I have no desire to forgive, even though they haven't asked forgiveness... I still need to!
Are you swamped down by things. Or are you finding time to recharge?
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sick, Fat, & Nearly Dead - A Review
A little background, I knew the benefits of eating a micronutrient diet, but I didn't want to go through the process of changing.
Synopsis from Netflix:
"Focusing on two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, this documentary chronicles the rigorous healing path -- including a two-month diet of fruits and vegetables -- that both attempt in a bid to rescue their health."
I don't have much to say about it except for every American who is struggling with their weight in any way should watch this documentary. It isn't ever boring, and it's inspirational. I'm not saying everyone needs to go buy a juicer, but we should start viewing food in a different light.
Side note: I know in a previous post I talked about giving up netflix, but I decided to start saying no and doing other things. And, I have! I think something every once in a awhile I can handle. But, when it is taking up all of my free time, I have to say enough is enough!
This movie has really jump started my desire to do at least a mini fast. Next week, my church has 3 days of prayer and fasting, and I think a 3 day juice fast would be perfect! So, I'm getting my hands on a juicer, saving my pennies and will do some grocery shopping this Saturday and Sunday to prepare for my 3 day juice fast! I know I can do it, and I know 3 days is a short time, but, with me trying to save money, it's a good place to start!
Anyone else see Sick, Fat, & Nearly Dead? What were your thoughts? Did you like it? Hate it? Have you done any juice fasting? I'd love to hear from you!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Why Quitting Isn't an Option
I've tried to lose weight. I've even shared a bit on my blog, but after a few minor hiccups I get back into the rut of self-doubt.
But, I can't quit. Being overweight runs in my family. Diabetes runs in my family. Heart disease runs in my family. Get the picture? Yeah, me too. I'm about to leave home for 6 months and I don't want to leave here feeling defeated.
Here's my cry, my plea to myself. Enough is enough. I'm letting go of fear, self-doubt and the pity party that has clung on to me (or should I say, I have clung onto it) for dear life!
This weekend will be filled with researching and planning. Next week I plan to do a juice fast, and the week after that I'm ready to dive head first into a new and better lifestyle!
I can't do this on my own. Encouragement is wanted. If you have tips or words of hope, please share!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Today, was just a typical day at work. I was kept busy the entire time. I was asked if I wanted to go on a trip for work that would last 30-60 days.
I really wanted the money. This was an answer to prayer, or so I thought. I didn't go. There were many factors involved to get that answer.
#1 I need to get ready for YWAM that will be here before I know it.
#2 God said I was to rely fully on Him. I could hear His voice urging me to stay.
#3 that would have given me very little time to spend with my family.
This made me realize. I need to always be ready for whatever God is calling me too. Not slowly ready, not kinda. I've been doing that. I don't even know what YWAM school I'm going too and its in two months.
What are you procrastinating, as soon as you do it you will have accomplished something major?
Life is good.
Deleted my Facebook. What a weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel laziness calling me back to a life of leisure. But I hear another voice, Jesus, calling me to a life of love and action, void of lethargy.
Life should never get in the way of Jesus, because Jesus is my life.
How do you counteract the "lazies?"
Sunday, July 1, 2012
new perspectives
In in a previous post I talked about how superficial I had become. This blog shouldn't talk about material things, but the things God has put into my life.
This past week I went to Desperation Conference (google it!). It was my seventh time going, and it didn't disappoint. Here are my thoughts right after the conference ended.
As always, I'm sad to see Desperation end. It's such a great atmosphere to seek and hear the voice of God. But for some, it's a crutch. You get this mountain top experience, where everything is so easy. And life isn't easy. Every year I hear God speak to me and every year as soon as I get home, I choose to ignore God. Why have I feared living for the One who chose to die for me? Things of this world seem so petty. God has called me for so much more. Before (going to) YWAM, I need to purge myself of all the distractions and junk. And give up the things that take the place of Jesus. He [Jesus] has called me to fast and give up social media (bye bye Facebook). He has called me to give up and surrender my thoughts, to give up wasting time on movies and tv (or hulu/netflix). To stop wasting money on silly items that bring me no joy. The only thing I should be focused is Jesus. To know him, and make him known. Not shopping, not social media, not media. No more living for myself. I hate being so selfish! I hate ignoring YOU (God) and seeking enjoyment in things that don't sustain me. No more Hulu, no more Netflix - nore more facebook - no more shopping - I will spend the rest of my life in total surrender!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Procrastinators of the World...
Ok, I'm always honest...
I had a very, very productive week. Until today. I feel like I'm falling apart at the seems. Not spiritually, not emotionally, not even mentally, but physically. I've been going for so long, that the energizer bunny that adventured out, has very subtly crawled back in.
God has revealed so much to me this week. (mainly last night)
But, one thing is for sure. I'm a bit superficial. And when you learn new things (or revelations... I like that word better), you get tired. Like really tired. Like lazy don't-give-a-care-to-anything-tired.
I keep making promises to God and myself that I can't keep. I think God's the only one we can and should fully trust. Not even ourselves.
This post seems like it's all over the place. But, I'm back in full circle to where I started. My productive week has run back the opposite way of all the runners running their race, looking for a place to hide and rest. There are so many things I must do tonight, which will make for a late night, and tomorrow's early morning will be even earlier, which makes tomorrow an even longer day.
I say this all to say, even when you're tired giving up is the last thing you should do. I've been doing it for far too long. Even when I was tired this week, and didn't feel like pushing through, I still pushed (harder even). Today has been a different story. I'm tired of pushing. I'm tired of tasking.
I'm yawning as I say this. So, here's to my last morsel of procrastination. I'm shaking it off! Ok, back to the task(s) at hand!
Do you procrastinate or push through?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
C is for Conference (one week)
Update on My Face
My appointment was this past Monday (I know, I'm horrible for not writing this right after it happened.)
The biopsy showed it to be benign lymphoma. Phew. I wasn't worried. But, still, I'm glad it's nothing worse.
The appointment went splendid. We planned on surgery to extract this mass and get on with the day. For added measure we pumped my cheek up with some cortisone. She said it would hurt. It didn't!
So, thank the Lord above, all is well. I even got a call letting me know my surgery was canceled. We're going to keep pumping my face with cortisone until this thing says adios!
It's gone down considerably! I must say, God is looking out for me!
What are your praise reports this week?
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I have quite a few things I want to accomplish this afternoon. But, my body's in a state of comatose. My dreams last night were bizzare and left me wanting to stay in dream land vs the real world. My goal, which is attainable is to get all my "grunt work" accomplished so I have a few hours to spend sewing. Something I just haven't made time for. As well as a run before I head out to Celebrate Lincoln tonight! I will get to see an old college roommate! I'm very excited about it.
What are your weekend plans? Also, what are some hints for a non photographer remember to take pictures to document life?
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
B is for Boisterious
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
A is for Absence
So many new things in my life! I have so many photos I need to upload and stories to tell.
Where to begin.
Let's start with my face...
Yes, my face. You see about a month ago a "pimple" appeared on my face, after what looked like a bug bite. I didn't think much of it, except it was annoying and on the larger side. Two weeks later...
It's still there! Yep, with no signs of slowing down. My dad thought maybe I should go to Urgent Care. So, my mom and I darted there to check things out. The RN or whoever the "non-doctor" was barely looked at it and proclaimed it a "cyst". I asked her what could be done, and she declared she wasn't the one to work on it, and made an appointment with a dermatologist (in real life that word is a more difficult word for me to say). I asked how long till that appointment and she said around 2-3 weeks. I exclaimed, "That long?"
One week later, I had my appointment. Again, I met with "the nurse", I believe she was a nurse practitioner, very nice. She weighed the pros and cons and decided to take a culture to see if the growing mass on my face was indeed staph infection. Before I knew what was happening, the chair was being lowered and a needle was approaching my face. NOVOCAINE! For all you out there in reader land, I have never experienced this drug. (Cavity free for 25 years and counting). She said it wouldn't hurt. It did. She also didn't say there would be discomfort after the numbing wore off. There was. I was given a prescription for antibiotics, a handful of dot band-aids and an appointment in two weeks.
A week later they called. It wasn't staph.
The bump was a tad smaller but it started turning red again and looked quite inflamed.
Yesterday. Went to my appointment and "the nurse" tried not to look concerned. She was about to pump a few shots of cortisone to reduce the swelling, but then stopped and started thinking out loud. She then took a 180 an decided to take a sample for a biopsy. Before, I could say "dermatologist," I was whisked away into the magic wonderland of numb cheek. This time there were stitches involved. When I was done, I looked like a patient after a small plastic surgery procedure. People stared. A lot. I actually liked the attention. Especially the children. They couldn't stop staring.
Last night, I took off the huge bandage. I looked like the beginnings of Frankenstein. The stitches come out in a week. The test comes back in week. The wedding I sing in is in less than 2 weeks.
I'm just praying this "cyst" isn't going to be much more of a nuisance, it's been here long enough!
What juicy story do you have for me?
Thursday, May 24, 2012
My Summer
June: 14th - 16th - Wedding Weekend with my friend Lauren - I have the lovely honor of singing at her wedding
27th - 30th - Desperation! The best conference in the world! Just sayin!
July: Empty
August: Empty
September: YWAM
Wow, so I need to fill my summer a bit. Here are some things I'm looking forward to:
Summer Concerts/Festivals: Celebrate Lincoln Ethnic Festival, Jazz in June, Maha Music Festival in August (Omaha)
Farmer's Market(s)
Road trips to KC
State Fair(s) - Iowa (August 9th -19th), Nebraska (August 24th - September 3rd)
Omaha Day Trips
College World Series, Salt Dog Games
Amusement Park Road Trip??
June 8th - The Midland Band (Bourbon)
June 21st - Orion Walsh (The Zoo Bar)
July 3rd - Avett Brothers
July 24th - Logic
July 25th - Childish Gambino (Kansas City Mo)
August 1 - The Black Keys
August 5th - Gavin Degraw
August 7/10 - Coldplay (Roadtrip anyone?)
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
tuesday // singleness
I told you it was uneventful...
But, what I'm really here to talk about is singleness. You probably know by now, that I'm single. I'm not rejoicing or complaining. There are moments in my life where I'm sad that I have no significant other and then there are times, like this morning when I'm glad I'm single.
Boy, am I tired.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Have instagram? follow me @lmwilliams2009 and twitter @ren_was_here
Monday, April 30, 2012
Whistle while you work
What was your weekend like?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
News // Wish List
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Random Blurps
I was thinking today how random and odd I was.
I'm ok with that btdubs!
But, here are just a few weird things about me:
- I usually get on an elevator and forget to push the button for the correct floor. Once I stood there for a minute trying to figure out what was going on.
- I have a fear of driving, I mean a big fear. I'm afraid every person is out to get me when I driving.
- I am forever online window shopping. I like putting things in a shopping cart and then putting them all back.
- I always have a random song stuck in my head. Anything will trigger a song.
- I always paint my nails before I go to bed, which means I always end up smudging them.
- I have purchased over 50 patterns and have yet to make one piece of clothing. But, I have an incessant need to make my own clothing!
- I hate eating leftovers if they're over a day old!
- I can get away without doing laundry (usually) 3 weeks.
- I can't stand when people get upset that I haven't seen a certain movie, don't worry, I've survied this long without watching that movie, I think I can survive a few more. But, I probably do that to other people.
9000 Views and 52 Followers!
You know what's great about Thursday?
C'mon, you knew that was coming!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Beauty Blunders
Ok, I don’t ever talk about beauty here. I know I don’t, and there’s a reason. I just don’t ever document
my blunders…
If I’m at Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS, etc, I will usually pick up some new beauty product. Lip gloss, nail polish, beauty magazine. My collection of nail polishes has grown over the past two years. Well, I’m awful at painting my own nails. I wasn’t brought up wearing makeup. So, maybe that’s why I’m so enthralled with beauty products. I thought I’d share some of my beauty triumphs and blunders. As the irregular postings happen over here, one thing I can say for sure. I’m always thinking of things to blog about. I blog mainly about my successes and failures, so why not in the beauty department…
What’s on the agenda for today?? Glue on nails… This will be more comical than a review. But it is still technically a review…
I’ve always wanted to try those glue on nails. I’ve heard they aren’t too hard to do, and it’s a lot cheaper than going and getting your nails done. I’m not one for acrylic nails at a nail salon because they are a pain in the behind to take off and my nails are just ruined afterwards.
Here’s how my adventure went:
I’m currently on a work assignment in a different part of the state and I decided a few nights ago to do my nails. And, since I had the time in the evenings, why not try a glue-on nail kit. I don’t know the first thing about glue on nails, but I do know that I spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out which brand was the best for me. First I decided on the shape (short square), then I decided on the brand. I picked KISS because Nailene didn’t have the type I wanted. After choosing my nails, I found two Essie colors I had been keeping my eye on. Go Overboard and Turquoise & Caicos. Since I hadn’t packed any of my nail items, I had to also buy some nail clippers, top coat, nail file, and polish remover. Not the cheapest trip to Wally World, but I was excited.
By the time I got back to my hotel room it was pushing 9pm. I was exhausted. But, I turned on a dvd and pushed through it. I followed all the directions on the nail kit and found nails that went over my real
ones. As I was gluing my first nail, I ran into my first snag. I had accidently glued my fingers together. If you know me you would be laughing (even if you didn’t – I have comical faces), because I’m not freaking out, I’m just trying to figure out how I can pick up the bottle of nail polish remover when I’ve glued fingers from the opposite hands together. It had to have been a comical site. After trial and error (and probably an hour later), the nails are on. Then I realized they don’t look that great with the glue visible, so as tired as I was it’s time to lacquer up. Well, I’m not that dainty when it comes to painting my nails. And, I’m too lazy n to look up all the tips on how to get professional looking nails. I would get one hand done and start the next only to mess up half the other nails. I tried the two colors, but in the end, the darker one prevailed. I tried staying awake as long as I could and passed out – I decided to put on the top coat in the morning. Morning came – Way to early might I add, since I didn’t get to bed till after midnight. All was going well, I was getting ready and about to put the top coat when one of the nails on my thumb popped right off. I tried with many attempts to glue it on, but tried as I may, I couldn’t get any glue to come out. I didn’t have enough time to waste trying to get the glue to function, do I decided to remove all the nails – BIG MISTAKE. That took way too long. And as I’m typing there are still trace amounts of glue on my nail, and polish in those hard to get places.
Will I try it again? I think so, I did a little bit of research and I really need to buy glue that has a tip
applicator instead of a squeeze bottle. I may also try a different brand because KISS’s nails didn’t always fit perfectly. I wish I had taken pictures of the mistakes, but, it was pretty hideous! Tonight? I think I’m just gonna paint my own nails. Maybe I’ll stop by Sally’s –
Have you had any blunders with glue on nails? Tips? I would love to hear from you!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
future plans.
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